

Darwin Squash Association

The Darwin Squash Association are a club for all ages and currently run their Pennant competitions as well as their annual Club Championships, Junior Club Championships and Fraser Memorial Doubles Tournament.

The Darwin Squash Centre is home to the Darwin Squash Association (DSA).

The DSA is run by a group of hard working volunteers who manage the Pennant and club competitions throughout the year as well as a number of Junior Squash programs.

Exciting news for them this year as they were announced as the ‘2017 Club of the Year’ at the Squash Australia Awards in March!

2023 Dry Season Pennant starts on the 25 July so get your nomination in ASAP! You can nominate as a Permanent Player or a as a Reserve who is called upon as needed. Email darwinsquashassociation@gmail.com or pick one up in centre.


All contents © copyright Darwin Squash Centre. All rights reserved.